TotalCom has been recognized for work created for multiple clients in the Healthcare Advertising Awards. “We are honored to represent these clients and pleased that our work was recognized by our peers,” stated Jimmy Warren, President.
The Healthcare Advertising Awards is the oldest, largest and most widely respected healthcare advertising awards competition. This year over 4,400 entries were received, making the awards the largest healthcare advertising awards competition and one of the ten largest of all advertising awards. A national panel of judges were engaged in reviewing all entries based on creativity, quality, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design and overall impact.
Awards received by TotalCom:
DCH Regional Medical Center—Outdoor: DCH COVID Outdoor
Thibodaux Regional Health System—Television Advertising- Single: Cancer Institute Time Lapse
DCH Regional Medical Center—Digital Video: DCH iCARE Video
Swedish Medical Center—Special Event: Swedish Chili Cookoff
Thibodaux Regional Health System—Newspaper Advertising-Single: Kick Up Your Heels Again
DCH Regional Medical Center—COVID Marketing Campaign: DCH COVID Campaign and Outdoor: DCH COVID Outdoor
Thibodaux Regional Health System—Total Advertising Campaign w/o TV: Robotic-Assisted Knee Replacement
Thibodaux Regional Health System—Brochure: Clinic Brochures
Swedish Medical Center—Newspaper Advertising-Single: Swedish Robotic Spine Surgery
Swedish Medical Center—Special Event: Swedish Pumpkin Carving
Swedish Medical Center—Special Event: Swedish St. Lucia
Thibodaux Regional Health System—Total Advertising Campaign w/o TV: Don’t Be the One In Eight - Breast Cancer