A popular advertising topic is marketing to Millennials. However, Millennials can be a pretty all-encompassing term. Do we need to get more specific? Perhaps we should focus on segmenting the market even further. Research has shown that targeting young consumers based on hobbies, preferences, and interests leads to higher ROI.

Approaching Millennials with a message that is age-blind and focuses instead on a particular message with inherent value is a smarter way to advertise. Young consumers are looking to experience your product or service, not simply use it. Take advantage of this desire. Find a creative traditional or digital marketing solution to give your content appeal.
Don’t Get Blocked
Businesses marketing to millennials also need to be aware of ad blocking software on both computers and mobile devices. If your audience is not seeing your ads, you are wasting both time and money. To protect your ads from being blocked, businesses should try new forms of digital advertising that will actually reach the market. These methods include partnerships with other companies, podcasts that are sponsored, and viral videos.
Almost more than quality content, real-time engagement with your audience is important. Talk to your consumers. Retweet customer feedback of complementary businesses. Respond to comments received on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Manage your media in a way that creates a relationship with your customers. Millennials crave relationships with businesses.
How NOT To Target Millennials
The easiest way to target Millennials is not to target Millennials. Rather than targeting your young consumers based on age, approach advertising with value in mind. What do Millennials value?
Studies show that more than any other age group, Millennials value time with friends. As a whole, they value their hobbies over their work life, like fitness and art. They value happiness over success, and compassion over capitalism. So, instead of trying to target Millennials based on their age, focus on their values. Millennials are typically not attracted to ads offering ways to get married and settle down or beat out workplace competition. They are more attracted to advertising that shows work and home life integrated, that shows compassion and kindness, and that promotes a healthier lifestyle.
Let TotalCom Help You Get Results
TotalCom Marketing with offices in Tuscaloosa and Huntsville, Alabama specializes in both traditional and digital advertising. Let us help you reach your consumer segment today with the appropriate marketing solution. Learn more. Contact a TotalCom professional today.