Logo, Branding, Website and Annual Report
SITUATION: Davidson Technologies has been in business for almost 25 years as one of Huntsville’s locally owned, premier technology companies. Founded by Drs. Dorothy and Julian Davidson, the new president, Major General (Ret.) John Holly was ready for a rebranding to update the look for the company. He wanted a logo that was “sleek, streamlined and global” to reflect the nature of their business as well as a new website and collateral materials.
SOLUTION: TotalCom created several designs which were reviewed by Major General (Ret.) John Holly and his staff. The final decision was made by founder Dr. Dorothy Davidson. The modern look of the logo mark symbolizes the coming together of Davidson’s four core capabilities:
1. Modeling & Simulation
2. Cyber
3. Test & Evaluation
4. Systems Engineering & Integration.
Business cards, letterhead and annual reports were designed as well as the new website.